Texas Freeze Preparations Tips

As winter approaches in Texas, it’s essential to prepare your home and property for the cold temperatures. From safeguarding your pool to protecting your plants, taking the right steps can prevent costly damage. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the winter season in Texas.

Winter Pool Protection

In Texas, where winters can be relatively mild, it’s still important to take precautions to protect your pool from freezing temperatures. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Preparation: Before the cold sets in, ensure your pool is ready. Clean your pool filter to maintain proper water flow during the cold.
  2. Continuous Pump Operation: Keep your pool pump and filter running continuously. The movement of water helps prevent freezing, which can damage pool equipment.
  3. Monitor Your Pump: Pay attention to your pump motor. It starts making unusual noises, it may be a sign of trouble with the bearings, and you should seek professional assistance.
  4. Insulation: Insulate your plumbing lines with blankets, towels, or even pool noodles to prevent freezing. This added layer of protection can make a significant difference in harsh conditions.

Winter Plant Protection

To protect your plants from harsh winter temperatures in Texas, consider the following tips:

  1. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to insulate the soil and protect their roots from freezing.
  2. Frost Blankets: Use insulated frost blankets to cover delicate plants during cold spells.
  3. Lawn Care: Consider using lawn food designed for winter to help maintain your lawn’s growth during the colder months.

Your Homes Plumbing Protection

Frozen and burst water pipes can be a common issue during cold weather. Follow these precautions to avoid costly damage:

  1. Dripping Faucets: Drip both hot and cold faucets in your home to prevent pipes from freezing. Keep them dripping until you receive an all-clear from the National Weather Service during a freeze.
  2. Maintain Heat: Keep the indoor temperature at 65F, even when you’re not at home or away on vacation.
  3. Open Cabinet Doors: Leave cabinet doors under sinks open to allow warm air to circulate around pipes, especially those on outside walls.
  4. Outdoor Faucets: Ensure all outside faucets are covered and insulated. Disconnect hoses and use insulated covers to protect them from subzero conditions.
  5. Regular Inspections: If you can’t inspect your home yourself, ask a trusted individual to check for frozen or broken water pipes periodically.

Lastly, we encourage you to check that your home insurance is up to date and covers liabilities that can unexpectedly damage your personal belongings. By following these guidelines this season, you can protect your property and avoid costly repairs. From all your friends at AquaTerra Outdoors, stay safe and cozy this winter!
